Workshop Scope

The 1st edition of the Workshop IEEE@Unical aims to create a scientific/technical venue at the University of Calabria (Italy) where national and international researchers working in different IEEE areas can meet and attend invited lectures from distinguished professors and IEEE officers.

IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity (

The workshop is sponsored by University of Calabria, the DIMES department, the Italian IEEE SMC Chapter, and the IEEE MTT-28 Biological Effects and Medical Applications.

In this first edition, the workshop is organized into three sessions. The first one is focused on IEEE MTT-28 activities on Microwaves and Technologies for Biomedical Applications. The second session is devoted to the presentation of the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities in the IEEE SMC society, and national and international activities related to the IEEE Women in Engineering initiative. The third section is focused on research and technical projects in the area of the IEEE SMC (Systems, Man and Cybernetics) and RA (Robotics and Automation) societies.

Hotel Majorana
Via Ettore Majorana 6/C, Rende (CS)

Hotel Majorana