As per its tradition, ICHI 2025 will host three invited talks from outstanding speakers.
Keynote #1, June 18th – The AI-Driven Hospital of the Future
Speaker: Pierre Baldi, Univ. Irvine, Ca, USA
Speaker’s short bio: Pierre is
Keynote #2, June 19th – Personalized Clinical Guideline-based Decision Support Based on Domain Knowledge and Machine Learning
Speaker: Mor Peleg, Dept. of Information Systems, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel
Speaker’s short bio: Mor is
Keynote #3, June 20th – Title TBD
Speaker TO BE CONFIRMED: Tamer Kavechi, Univ. Florida, Fl, USA
Speaker’s short bio:Tamer is
Keynote #4, June 20th – Title TBD
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