• Submission deadline: Jan 07th, 2025
  • Notification of acceptance: Mar 13th, 2025
  • Camera-ready copy due: Mar 28th, 2025

The IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics Series has been fostering the active participation of industry. We cordially invite submissions describing practical implementations of healthcare informatics in areas including but not limited to:

  • Healthcare delivery and operations management
  • Health data visualization
  • Health data acquisition and privacy preservation
  • Health knowledge management
  • Clinical decision support
  • Healthcare actuarial decision
  • Health system optimization
  • Community and Public Health
  • Health behavior
  • Mobile health
  • Smart environments
  • AI for health

Submissions are expected to demonstrate how the proposed work has impacted healthcare practice, and/or provide practical insights regarding the realities of implementing healthcare informatics solutions in the field. One or more of the following criteria will be used to determine appropriateness for acceptance: demonstration of path for integration into product, demonstration of current clinical usage and impact on workflow, demonstration of significant improvement to current care practice through clinical validation.


The industry track will accept both short papers and demonstrations.

Short papers (4-6 pages) should describe innovative ideas or implementations of practical significance with validated results. They may also provide insight into issues and factors that affect the successful use and deployment of information and analytics systems or new interesting discoveries made from data that are useful to the community.

Demo papers (max. 4 pages) should include all parts of other demo proposals: title, abstract, body, and bibliography. Demo papers should provide a description of the objective of the system, the novel intellectual content of the underlying system and of the system architecture. In addition, an overview of what would be demonstrated to the audience should be clearly explained. The system should solve a non-trivial, real-world problem. We encourage authors to add links to slides or videos giving a visual feel for what the demo and demo flow will look like.

Papers for the industry track should be in the same format as full and short papers (see Call for Papers for detailed instructions).

Details on how and where to submit industry track papers will be published soon.


ICHI industry track submissions will be reviewed single-blinded. Therefore ICHI submissions should have the names and affiliations of authors listed on the paper.

The review process will include multiple experts from relevant industries for the applications.


All accepted submissions will be published in IEEE Xplore and indexed in other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.

More details to come.

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