- Submission deadline: Mar 17th, 2025
Jan 07th - Notification of acceptance: Mar 20th, 2025
- Camera-ready copy due: Mar 28th, 2025
The 2025 Doctoral Consortium invites doctoral students to submit abstracts on solving problems in healthcare, public health, and everyday wellness through the application of computer science, information science, information technology, and communication technology.
The Doctoral Consortium offers an outstanding opportunity for doctoral students working on health informatics problems to discuss their work in progress and receive feedback and guidance from Consortium mentors.
The Doctoral Consortium strongly encourages students from under-represented groups to participate, such as female and minority students.
All doctoral students whose extended abstract is accepted will be scheduled for a rapid-fire talk where each participant has 5 minutes, with auto-advancing slides, to present a synopsis of their work. These rapid overviews will be followed by a poster session where participants and mentors can discuss research in greater detail. Selected participants may also be invited to give a longer oral presentation. The Doctoral Consortium will close with a panel or round-table discussion on topics relevant to doctoral students, such as dissertation development, job searching, or grant seeking.
Paper submissions must adhere to the IEEE Proceedings Format.
To apply to the ICHI 2025 Doctoral Consortium, we request that each student submits a single PDF file with the following items:
- Cover Letter: A 1 page cover letter justifying what the student hopes to gain by attending the Doctoral Consortium.
- Extended Abstract: A 1 page abstract of a research project (ongoing or planned) in the IEEE Proceedings Format.
All accepted submissions will be published in IEEE Xplore and indexed in other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.
Submissions to the Doctoral Consortium should be to EasyChair, choosing “Doctoral Consortium” as a track.
The Co-Chairs and independent reviewers will conduct the reviews based on quality of the proposal, relevance to ICHI, and perceived value of participation to the doctoral student.
Travel Awards
It is foreseen that the selected doctoral students to be accepted for the Doctoral Consortium will receive a travel award to participate in the Conference. Details of the award and instructions on how to formally apply coming soon.
Faculty Volunteers
Your participation is essential to making the Doctoral Consortium a success! If you are a faculty member and would like to serve as a mentor, please email the Doctoral Consortium Chair directly.
More details to come.