Renaud Lambiotte, University of Oxford, UK
Luca Maria Aiello, Nokia Bell Labs, Cambridge, UK
Vincent Labatut, Université d’Avignon, France
Giuseppe Mangioni, University of Catania, Italy
Fabrizio Marozzo, University of Calabria, Italy
Tsuyoshi Murata, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Dino Ienco, IRSTEA, UMR TETIS, Montpellier, France
Edoardo Serra, Boise State University, US
Francesco Gullo, UniCredit, Rome, Italy
Pasquale De Meo, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Alessandro Bozzon, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands
Henry Soldano, Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris Nord, Paris, France
Ruggero G. Pensa, University of Turin, Italy
Davide Vega, Uppsala University, Sweden
Livio Bioglio, University of Turin, Italy
(more tba)